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A solução de qualquer exercício em qualquer disciplina começa pela interpretação do enunciado. Então é evidente que no inglês o processo é igualmente importante, e por isso preparamos algumas dicas para os estudantes:
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Interpretação textual de diversos gêneros – Simulado de Inglês
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Pergunta 1 de 10
1. Pergunta
A wave of anger is sweeping the cities of the world.
The protests have many different origins. In Brazil people rose up against bus fares, in Turkey against a building project. Indonesians have rejected higher fuel prices. In the euro zone they march against austerity, and the Arab spring has become a perma-protest against pretty much everything.
Yet just as in 1848, 1968 and 1989, when people also found a collective voice, the demonstrators have much in common. In one country after another, protesters have risen up with bewildering speed. They tend to be ordinary, middle-class people, not lobbies with lists of demands. Their mix of revelry and rage condemns the corruption, inefficiency and arrogance of the folk in charge.
Nobody can know how 2013 will change the world – if at all. In 1989 the Soviet empire teetered and fell. But Marx’s belief that 1848 was the first wave of a proletarian revolution was confounded by decades of flourishing capitalism and 1968 did more to change sex than politics. Even now, though, the inchoate significance of 2013 is discernible. And for politicians who want to peddle the same old stuff, news is not good.
The Economist, June 29, 2013. Adaptado.
Segundo o texto, os protestos de 2013, em diversos lugares do mundo,CorretoParabéns! Siga para a próxima questão.
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Pergunta 2 de 10
2. Pergunta
Cartuns são produzidos com o intuito de satirizar comportamentos humanos e assim oportunizam a reflexão sobre nossos próprios comportamentos e atitudes. Nesse cartum, a linguagem utilizada pelos personagens em uma conversa em inglês evidencia a
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Pergunta 3 de 10
3. Pergunta
Quotes of the Day
Friday, Sep. 02. 2011
“There probably was a shortage of not just respect and boundaries but also love. But you do need, when they cross the line and break the law, to be very tough.”
British Prime Minister DAVID CAMERON, arguing that those involved in the recent riots in England need “tough love” as he vows to “get to grips” with the country’s problem families.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 nov. 2011 (adaptado).
A respeito dos tumultos causados na Inglaterra em agosto de 2011, as palavras de alerta de David Cameron têm como foco principal
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Pergunta 4 de 10
4. Pergunta
In (1) Higher Education, a Focus on Technology By STEVE LOHR
The education gap facing the nation’s work force is evident in the numbers. Most new jobs will require more than a high school education, yet fewer than half of Americans under 30 have a (2) postsecondary degree of any kind. Recent state budget cuts, education experts agree, promise to make closing that gap even more difficult.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and four nonprofit education organizations are beginning an ambitious initiative to address that challenge by accelerating the development and use of online learning tools.
An initial $20 million round of money, from the Gates Foundation, will be for postsecondary online courses, particularly ones tailored for community colleges and low-income young people. Another round of grants, for high school programs, is scheduled for next year.
Just how effective technology can be in improving education — by making students more effective, more engaged learners — is a subject of debate. To date, education research shows that good teachers matter a lot, class size may be less important than once thought and nothing improves student performance as much as onon-one human tutoring.
If technology is well designed, experts say, it can help tailor the learning experience to individual students, facilitate student-teacher collaboration, and assist teachers in monitoring student performance each day and in quickly fine-tuning lessons.
The potential benefits of technology are greater as students become older, more independent learners. Making that point, Mr. Gates said in an interview that for children from kindergarten to about fifth grade “the idea that you stick them in front of a computer is (3) ludicrous.”
(1) higher education: educação superior.
(2) postsecondary: termo que se refere aos cursos feitos após o high school ou, no modelo educacional brasileiro, o Ensino Médio.
(3) ludicrous: ridícula, absurda.
( Acesso em 20.09.2012. Adaptado)Sobre o uso da tecnologia no processo educacional e de acordo com o quarto parágrafo do artigo, pode-se afirmar que
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Pergunta 5 de 10
5. Pergunta
Time was, advertising was a relatively simple undertaking: buy some print space and airtime, create the spots, and blast them at a captive audience. Today it’s chaos: while passive viewers still exist, mostly we pick and choose what to consume, ignoring ads with a touch of the DVR remote. Ads are forced to become more like content, and the best aim to engage consumers so much that they pass the material on to friends – by email, Twitter, Facebook – who will pass it on to friends, who will… you get the picture. In the industry, “viral” has become a usefully vague way to describe any campaign that spreads from person to person, acquiring its own momentum.
It’s not that online advertising has eclipsed TV, but it has become its full partner – and in many ways the more substantive one, a medium in which the audience must be earned, not simply bought.Newsweek, March 26 & April 2, 2012. Adaptado.
De acordo com o texto, a indústria publicitária:
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Pergunta 6 de 10
6. Pergunta
O anúncio refere-se
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Pergunta 7 de 10
7. Pergunta
JUST 10 YEARS INTO A NEW CENTURY, MORE THAN TWO-thirds of the country sees the past decade as a period of decline for the U.S., according to a new TIME/Aspen Ideas Festival poll that probed Americans on the decade since the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001. Osama bin Laden is dead and al-Qaeda seriously weakened, but the impact of the 9/11 attacks and the decisions that followed have, in the view of most Americans, put the U.S. in a tailspin that the country has been unable to shake during two administrations and almost 10 years of trying.
ACCORDING TO THE POLL, ONLY 6% OF MORE THAN 2,000 Americans believe the country has completely recovered from the events of 9/11. Some of this pessimism can be tied to fears of more terrorist attacks. Despite the death of bin Laden, most Americans think another terrorist attack in the U.S. is likely.
Time. July 11, 2011. Adaptado. Com base nos gráficos que acompanham o texto, é correto afirmar que, para os norte-americanos,
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Pergunta 8 de 10
8. Pergunta
JUST 10 YEARS INTO A NEW CENTURY, MORE THAN TWO-thirds of the country sees the past decade as a period of decline for the U.S., according to a new TIME/Aspen Ideas Festival poll that probed Americans on the decade since the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001. Osama bin Laden is dead and al-Qaeda seriously weakened, but the impact of the 9/11 attacks and the decisions that followed have, in the view of most Americans, put the U.S. in a tailspin that the country has been unable to shake during two administrations and almost 10 years of trying.
ACCORDING TO THE POLL, ONLY 6% OF MORE THAN 2,000 Americans believe the country has completely recovered from the events of 9/11. Some of this pessimism can be tied to fears of more terrorist attacks. Despite the death of bin Laden, most Americans think another terrorist attack in the U.S. is likely.
Time. July 11, 2011. Adaptado. A sequência “most Americans think another terrorist attack in the U.S. is likely” significa que, para a maioria dos norte-americanos, outro ataque terrorista nos EUA é
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Pergunta 9 de 10
9. Pergunta
JUST 10 YEARS INTO A NEW CENTURY, MORE THAN TWO-thirds of the country sees the past decade as a period of decline for the U.S., according to a new TIME/Aspen Ideas Festival poll that probed Americans on the decade since the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001. Osama bin Laden is dead and al-Qaeda seriously weakened, but the impact of the 9/11 attacks and the decisions that followed have, in the view of most Americans, put the U.S. in a tailspin that the country has been unable to shake during two administrations and almost 10 years of trying.
ACCORDING TO THE POLL, ONLY 6% OF MORE THAN 2,000 Americans believe the country has completely recovered from the events of 9/11. Some of this pessimism can be tied to fears of more terrorist attacks. Despite the death of bin Laden, most Americans think another terrorist attack in the U.S. is likely.
Time. July 11, 2011. Adaptado. A pesquisa descrita no texto mostrou que a maioria dos norte-americanos
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Pergunta 10 de 10
10. Pergunta
I, too
I, too, sing America.
I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.
I’ll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody’ll dare
Say to me,
“Eat in the kitchen,”
They’ll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed.
I, too, am America.
HUGHES, L. In: RAMPERSAD, A.; ROESSEL, D. (Ed.). The collected poems of Langston Hughes. New York; Knopf, 1994.Langston Hughes foi um poeta negro americano que viveu no século XX e escreveu I, too em 1932. No poema, a personagem descreve uma prática racista que provoca nela um sentimento de
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