Teste seus conhecimentos sobre o verbo to be com o simulado de Inglês do Curso Enem Gratuito! São 10 questões pra você treinar!
O famosíssimo verbo “to be” é um alicerce fundamental da língua inglesa que precisa ser dominado para garantir o seu bom desempenho em exercícios da disciplina. Comece assistindo a uma aula em vídeo sobre o verbo e suas conjugações:
Temos também um conteúdo focado nas diferenças entre as formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa do verbo, que você confere a seguir:
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Verbo to be – Simulado de Inglês
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Pergunta 1 de 10
1. Pergunta
(UNAMA AM/2002)
The verb to be in the sentence shows:
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Pergunta 2 de 10
2. Pergunta
(UNIFOR CE/2018)
Complete o texto abaixo com o presente simples ou o presente contínuo dos verbos entre parênteses.
Pret A Manger __________1 (be) a UK company and one of the world’s leading sandwich chains. It ________2 (sell) freshly made sandwiches in busy city centres. At the end of each day, the shops __________3 (give) any unsold products to the homeless. Currently, Pret ________4 (do) very well in south of England.
Pret ________ 5(operate) a total of 232 UK outlets, and this year it ________6 (plan) new outlets for London. In the US, it ________7 (have) 23 outlets in New York and another 10 in Hong Kong.
Pret’s international activities ________8 (grow) in importance. This month, as part of the next stage of expansion, Pret ________ 9(open) its first two shops in Paris. At the same time, the marketing team ________10 (work) with Lewis PR, a global PR company, to improve the brands international image.
Marque a alternativa que corresponde à sequência correta.
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Pergunta 3 de 10
3. Pergunta
(UEFS BA/2014)
Clever spider
1 With the help of small pieces of leaf, dead insects 2 and other debris, a spider in the Amazon rainforest has 3 created a detailed replica of a spider larger than itself. 4 The crafty spider is thought to be a new member of the 5 genus Cyclosa, a family of spiders which has created 6 decoys before using spare egg sacs. But this new 7 spider’s sculpture is the first to have leg-like appendages.
8 Phil Torres, a biologist from the Rainforest 9 Expeditions, thinks they might have discovered a 10 completely new species. He says, “When you first see 11 it, it just looks like a spider hanging in a web. It’s about 12 an inch and an half long. As you approach, it kind of 13 looks like a dead spider as well but, as you approach, it 14 starts to move back and forth. There’s a little spider 15 hanging on the back of it so you’ll see little pieces of 16 leaf, little pieces of twig. There’s even a dead insect in 17 there. There must be very heavy predatory influence that 18 it would evolve to have such an intriguing defense.”
19 Mr. Torres will be returning to the Amazon rainforest 20 in January next year to investigate further as this masterful 21 spider is yet to be recognized as a new species. Mr. 22 Torres’ discovery will be registered, verified and his 23 findings published if this spider proves to be biologically 24 different from the known species of Cyclosa.
ZARINDAST, Karen. Clever spider. Disponível em:
<www.bbc.co.uk/ worldservice/learningenglish/language/wordsinthenews/
2012/12/ 121224_clever_spider.shtml>. Acesso em: 12 out. 2013.The crafty spider is thought to be a new member of the genus Cyclosa” (Refs. 4-5)
The equivalent of this sentence in the Active Voice is
People ____ that the crafty spider ____ a new member of the genus Cyclosa.
The alternative that suitably completes the two blanks is
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Pergunta 4 de 10
4. Pergunta
(UNESP SP/2013)
(www.hagardunor.net) No trecho do primeiro quadrinho – she’s sick and tired of smelling beer –, ’s pode ser reescrito como
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Pergunta 5 de 10
5. Pergunta
Complete the dialogue below by choosing the right option:
A: They_________air traffic controllers.
B: Really? So, what________their jobs?
A: He________a waiter and she________ a bank manager.
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Pergunta 6 de 10
6. Pergunta
(PUC RS/2018)
London: the city that ate itself
01 London is a city ruled by money. The things that 02 make it special – the markets, pubs, high streets and 03 communities – are becoming unrecognisable. The 04 city is suffering a form of entropy whereby anything 05 distinctive is converted into property value. Can the 06 capital save itself?
07 London is without question the most popular city 08 for investors,” says Gavin Sung of the international 09 property agents Savills. “There is a trust factor. It 10 has a strong government, a great legal system, the 11 currency is relatively safe. It has a really nice lifestyle”. 12 There are parks, museums and nice houses. Its arts 13 of hedonism are reaching unprecedented levels: its 14 restaurants get better or at least more ambitious and 15 its bars offer cocktails previously unknown to man. In 16 some ways, the city has never been better. It has a 17 buzz. Its population keeps growing and investment 18 keeps ______, both signs of its desirability. As its 19 mayor likes to boast: “London is to the billionaire as 20 the jungles of Sumatra are to the orangutans. It is their 21 natural habitat.”
22 At the same time, to use a commonly heard phrase, 23 the city is eating itself. Most obviously, its provision of 24 housing is failing to ______ its popularity, with effects 25 on price that breed bizarre reactions at the top end 26 of the market and misery at the bottom. Thousands 27 are being forced to leave London because their local 28 authorities can’t find them homes and people on middle 29 incomes can’t acquire a place where anyone would 30 want to raise a family.
31 There are also effects beyond housing, although often 32 driven by residential property prices. The spaces for 33 work that are an essential part of the city’s economy 34 are being squeezed, its high streets diminished, its 35 pubs and other everyday places closing. It is suffering 36 a form of entropy whereby the distinctive or special is 37 converted into property values. Its essential qualities, 38 which are that it was not polarised on the basis 39 of income, and that its best places were common 40 property, are being eroded. (…)
41 This would matter less if the city were making new 42 places with the qualities of those now packaged up 43 and commodified – if the supply of good stuff _____ 44 expanding – but it _____ not. Although the cranes 45 swing, much of the new living zones now _____ created 46 range from the ho-hum to the outright catastrophic. The 47 skyline _____ plundered for profit, but without creating 48 towers to be proud of or making new neighbourhoods 49 with any positive qualities whatsoever. If London is an 50 enormous party, millions of people are on the wrong 51 side of its velvet rope.
52 In the rest of Britain, a common view of London is 53 that it is a parasitic monster or, as Alex Salmond 54 put it, quoting Tony Travers of the London School of 55 Economics: “The dark star of the economy, inexorably 56 sucking in resources, people and energy. Nobody quite 57 knows how to control it.” Both the SNP and Ukip can 58 be seen as anti-London parties, as expressions of a 59 feeling that national decisions are made in the capital, 60 by the capital, for the capital. Those Scots who want 61 independence are less concerned about being part of 62 the same country as Middlesbrough or Ipswich than 63 they are about London. But these views overlook the 64 extent to which the city is feeding on its own.
Adapted from: https://www.theguardian.
com/uk-news/2015/ jun/28/london-the
-city-that-ate-itself-rowan-mooreThe alternative that presents all the correct forms to fill in the blanks between reference 43 and 47 are, respectively,
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Pergunta 7 de 10
7. Pergunta
(UNIFOR CE/2006)
Coughing Kitties
Maryann Mott
Feline asthma [TO BE] a new disease. It was first described in scientific literature more than 90 years ago, says veterinarian Philip Padrid of the Family Pet Animal Hospital in Chicago.
Nicki Reed, a veterinarian at the University of Edinburgh’s Hospital for Small Animals, says that when a coughing cat is brought to the clinic, she must first establish if [ARTICLE] cause is [ARTICLE] infection, asthma, or something more sinister, like a lung mass.
To do this, Reed usually performs an x-ray, takes a lung fluid sample, and conducts a bronchcoscopy _ an examination that uses a flexible microscope inserted into the cat’s airway.
Most of the time, asthma is a mild disease, Reed says. But in some cases cat’s lungs collapse or their ribs fracture due to difficulty in breathing.
“I think if we can identify asthmatic cats quite early and get treatments on board to suppress their cough, then hopefully we can avoid them coming to such extremes,” she said.
(Adapted from http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/10/1025_051025_cat_asthma.html)
The correct form of the verb in “Feline asthma [TO BE] a new disease.” is
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Pergunta 8 de 10
8. Pergunta
(UNIFOR CE/2001)
Robotic Engineers:
Engineers [TO BE] needed to build robots that do everything from assembling machinery to caring for aging parents.
Tech Teachers:
As technology use increases in all industries, more adulteducation teachers are needed to give workers the skills to survive. About half of all adults are currently enrolled in an adult-education class.
Tech Support:
Technology isn’t infallible, and skilled workers who can fix frustrating problems are rarely needed. Estimates show a 222 percentage boost in computer-support jobs by 2008.
(Newsweek, April 30, 2001)
The correct form of the verb to be in the first paragraph is
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Pergunta 9 de 10
9. Pergunta
(UniCESUMAR PR/2018)
Yikes: Your Blood Type Might Put You at Risk for These Diseases
Here’s what you should do about it.
BY MERRITT WATTS March 18, 2016
Do you know your blood type? Whether you’re A, B, AB, or O — it’s time to learn (your M.D. or parents should have the info handy). Recent studies show certain blood types may be linked to illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. Scientists are still unraveling exactly why, but in the meantime, here’s what you should know.
Taking into account the excerpt “Scientists are still unraveling exactly why”, mark what is TRUE concerning its structure.
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Pergunta 10 de 10
10. Pergunta
George: Hi Paul. This ________ Mariah, my cousin.
Paul: Hello Mariah. I ______ Paul. _______ you a student?
Mariah: No, I __________ a doctor. I work in Atlanta.CorretoParabéns! Siga para a próxima questão.
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